Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How to Ace the Job Interview!

How to Ace the Job Interview!

Cosmic Inflation: Have Scientists Indeed Found the Smoking Gun? |

Cosmic Inflation: Have Scientists Indeed Found the Smoking Gun? |

Space Photos - Satellite Images - Image of the Day |

Space Photos - Satellite Images - Image of the Day |

Google’s New Car Doesn’t Have a Steering Wheel |

Google’s New Car Doesn’t Have a Steering Wheel |

A car which will be controlled by computers may be with the help of a smartphone.

I think it s beginning of the end of  machines which were controlled by electrical/mechanical mechanisms.

May be in future all sort of machines will not be run by mechanical/electrical controls but will be run totally by computer controls.

Sounds good for computer engineers.

Why Google’s driverless cars change everything - Telegraph

Why Google’s driverless cars change everything - Telegraph

The 5 Biggest Reasons the Wrong People Get Hired | LinkedIn

The 5 Biggest Reasons the Wrong People Get Hired | LinkedIn

Only solution is that focus of Hiring Manager has to be 100% on work to be done.Then he/she  has to judge who is the candidate who can get the work done and not the candidate who can get the job.Because after getting the job he/she has to get the work done , so focus totally on candidates who can get the work done.

Very often these days the selection of candidates in a commercial enterprise gets influenced by the process of selection of politicians in elections.Identity politics can  work in politics where you are selecting a politician , because his/her  selection depends on whims and fancies of all the eligible voters. And he/she has more scope to survive any mistakes committed as  running a country is totally different ball game then running a commercial enterprise in a competitive market.

But identity politics will never work in a commercial enterprise and if it is one of the criteria for selection of candidates then that company is doomed .

How Wal-Mart and Google could steal young customers from traditional banks

How Wal-Mart and Google could steal young customers from traditional banks

Banks gets deposits from customers primarily for Saving accounts and FD's ,where they pay customers a guaranteed Interest rates.

In turn banks are investing money in stock markets or Gold or property where they hope to get higher returns or lend to Industry where also they hope to get higher returns.

If these competitors can offer interest rates like banks then the banks are doomed because these competitors have the customer base and the technology only thing they are lacking are  the skills to borrow money at lower interest rates and invest them properly so as to get higher interest rate in return on their investments.

Till these competitors do not learn this crucial skill , they will not be able to compete with the traditional banks.