Thursday, May 8, 2014

Why Engineers Make Great CEOs | Paul WriterPaul Writer

Why Engineers Make Great CEOs | Paul WriterPaul Writer

Do You Quantum Think? You Should!

Declared Feynman: “All things are made of atoms — little particles that move around in perpetual motion, attracting each other when they are a little distance apart, but repelling upon being squeezed into one another.”

The way we view the world largely determines our experience of it.
Viewing the world from the eyes of quantum spirit is remarkable!

Most of us realize that our entire current world is dramatically changing, shrinking, equalizing, moving into new realms of being.

The transition is from Newtonian, cause and effect thinking to Quantum holistic thinking. Huge change, Humongous! Trans-personal.

With these new paradigms comes expanded consciousness, clearer perception, greater perspective, unlimited bliss, significant new levels of creativity and multi-dimensional intuition.

Quantum thinking addresses the issues of pain, disease, mental, physical, financial and emotional challenges being things of the past.

The entry of spirit into our lives and the new currency of the coming age will be, intuitive understanding and intention application.

With quantum thinking, the mind is experientially understood as being bigger than in the body, the entanglement of atoms become trans personally en-trained, oneness and the sensational applications of that are energetically integrated, plus the nature of multi-dimensional intuitive gateways becomes newly available.

With Quantum thinking the ease of manifestation from the quantum state is a permanent transcendence.

Along with organic happiness, easy manifestation and unconditional love becomes the norm.

Isn't that what we're all looking for? Both to give and get...

Get ready for a quantum computing software company — Tech News and Analysis

Get ready for a quantum computing software company — Tech News and Analysis

Quantum computing and Nano Technology is the future.

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