Monday, May 26, 2014

Mantra for getting Senior level Job positions in any organisation

Hi, Being a Career manager all my life .My experience says that all solutions being suggested by consultants , HR managers and experts are for the people seeking jobs at Junior/Middle level positions or at Initial entry level positions.
For senior level career positions only two things are going to work:
1.Networking , Networking and more Networking through all medias of Networking like social media , conferences , seminars,social gatherings , private meetings etc. at appropriate level in the organisations , where the power of decision making is located.
2.Positive Word of mouth about you by the people who have either worked or interacted with you to the appropriate level in the organisation , where the power of decision making is located.
Well nothing else is going to work , so what a person has to understand is that apart from his/her individual qualifications,knowledge,skills ,hard work and experience he/she got to have a social ecosystem of connected dots working for him if he/she has to have a crack at a top level position in any organisation.
Without the backing of this social ecosystem of connected dots it will be an uphill task to break the glass ceiling.

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