Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Fed has "Got Your Back"

The Fed has "Got Your Back"

CPI Inflation is a tax paid by citizens  , on;y thing is that it is not under government stamp .

But finally it is a tax only like all other taxes like Direct or Indirect taxes.

Miller's Money Forever

Miller's Money Forever

What are the chances that a particle collider's strangelets will destroy the Earth?

What are the chances that a particle collider's strangelets will destroy the Earth?

Four new galaxy clusters discovered 10 billion light years from Earth

Four new galaxy clusters discovered 10 billion light years from Earth

Our Future With 3D Printers: 7 Disrupted Industries - Forbes

Our Future With 3D Printers: 7 Disrupted Industries - Forbes

10 industries 3D printing will disrupt or decimate - TechRepublic

10 industries 3D printing will disrupt or decimate - TechRepublic

Making predictions in the multiverse | Quantum Frontiers

Making predictions in the multiverse | Quantum Frontiers

Very Nice article.

Facts For Working People: Time for Noah’s Ark again?

Facts For Working People: Time for Noah’s Ark again?

IBM may axe hundreds in India for cost-cutting - The Economic Times

IBM may axe hundreds in India for cost-cutting - The Economic Times

A Year of Action | The White House

A Year of Action | The White House

Darwin Day, Abraham Lincoln, and Intelligent Design - Evolution News & Views

Darwin Day, Abraham Lincoln, and Intelligent Design - Evolution News & Views

Theirs is an Intelligent design going on for 13.7 Billion years , i.e age of universe.

It is absolutely awesome.

Quantum computers could crack existing codes but create others much harder to break

Quantum computers could crack existing codes but create others much harder to break

Conservatism: The Alabaster Elephant | Capitalism MagazineCapitalism Magazine

Conservatism: The Alabaster Elephant | Capitalism MagazineCapitalism Magazine

Religion Future

The only reason the Left wants to kill off religion is because it’s a rival for the unreserved allegiance of “the masses.” Others who believe in freedom of thought and action do not want to “kill off” religion, but let it die a natural death.  Those “others” are also the enemies of the Left. They are not the intrinsic or automatic enemies of religion.  Religion is a primitive form of philosophy, but a tenacious one. it’s easier to accept because it requires only a modicum of adherence. Religion was able to survive even in classical Greece, the birthplace of reason. There is an element in religion, faith, which is guaranteed to neutralize even the most rational, reason-committed individuals.

We live in the America Bush Jr created. Understand that before looking forward. | Fabius Maximus

We live in the America Bush Jr created. Understand that before looking forward. | Fabius Maximus

Offended Generation | Capitalism MagazineCapitalism Magazine

Offended Generation | Capitalism MagazineCapitalism Magazine

Divergence at the top – the 0.01% | Real-World Economics Review Blog

Divergence at the top – the 0.01% | Real-World Economics Review Blog

Taking steps to ensure there is no bias: CM to African envoys | The Indian Express

Taking steps to ensure there is no bias: CM to African envoys | The Indian Express

EconomicGreenfield: America's Middle Class And Economic Inequality

EconomicGreenfield: America's Middle Class And Economic Inequality

Is America Evolving on Evolution? - Scientific American

Is America Evolving on Evolution? - Scientific American

High-Powered Lasers Deliver Fusion Energy Breakthrough - Scientific American

High-Powered Lasers Deliver Fusion Energy Breakthrough - Scientific American