Thursday, February 20, 2014

WhatsApp’s Founder Goes From Food Stamps to Billionaire - Bloomberg

WhatsApp’s Founder Goes From Food Stamps to Billionaire - Bloomberg

Great stuff., this tells the success story of doing Innovative ,Hard work  in a Country like USA.

This sort of story is not possible in any other country of the world.

Envy vs. Achievement | Capitalism MagazineCapitalism Magazine

Envy vs. Achievement | Capitalism MagazineCapitalism Magazine

Voters/Consumers are the final judge in a Democracy.Let them decide what is best for them.

‘Warring States’ — The Coming New World (Dis)order | Fabius Maximus

‘Warring States’ — The Coming New World (Dis)order | Fabius Maximus

China offers to finance 30 per cent of India’s infrastructure development plan - The Economic Times

China offers to finance 30 per cent of India’s infrastructure development plan - The Economic Times

The risk is always more for agency putting the money for investment , then for agency accepting the money for investment.

China has lot of excess cash available , India should grab this opportunity with both hands , because money supply is always less than demand.

Real solutions to America's jobs problem—Commentary

Real solutions to America's jobs problem—Commentary

Good ideas.

All the Major Companies Worth Less Than WhatsApp | LinkedIn

All the Major Companies Worth Less Than WhatsApp | LinkedIn

Bottom line is what matters more People or Goods/Services , the way things are going it seems all Business involving people will matter more and more because finally it is people who buy Goods/Services.

Human Rights Crisis in Ukraine: Uprising in Flames | Purpose, Inc. | Big Think

Human Rights Crisis in Ukraine: Uprising in Flames | Purpose, Inc. | Big Think

You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet: Three Forces Shaping the New Machine Age | Big Think TV | Big Think

You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet: Three Forces Shaping the New Machine Age | Big Think TV | Big Think

'Missing' Galaxy Cluster Masses Shed Light On Mystery Of Big Bang's Echo

'Missing' Galaxy Cluster Masses Shed Light On Mystery Of Big Bang's Echo

'Missing' Galaxy Cluster Masses Shed Light On Mystery Of Big Bang's Echo

'Missing' Galaxy Cluster Masses Shed Light On Mystery Of Big Bang's Echo

Can Quiet, Efficient 'Space Elevators' Really Work? |

Can Quiet, Efficient 'Space Elevators' Really Work? |

India has too few states; set up a new States Reorganisation Commission without delay - The Economic Times

India has too few states; set up a new States Reorganisation Commission without delay - The Economic Times

Facebook to buy WhatsApp, a hugely popular mobile messaging service, for $16 billion - The Washington Post

Facebook to buy WhatsApp, a hugely popular mobile messaging service, for $16 billion - The Washington Post

Yet Another Banker Commits Suicide. Graph Suggests We Are Headed Towards A Crash Like 1929 | Collective-Evolution

Yet Another Banker Commits Suicide. Graph Suggests We Are Headed Towards A Crash Like 1929 | Collective-Evolution

Poverty and Opportunity Profile

Poverty and Opportunity Profile