Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Value creation / Wealth creation

My idea of value creation is wealth creation , because finally if you have to measure value creation , that is the best barometer.

Because ultimately whatever endeavor you may do unless and until it does not lead to wealth creation for society as a whole , then it has no meaning.

So the question is do we need financial incentives for creating wealth.I do not know that ,but if it can be proven that financial incentives can lead to more wealth creation for society then any day I will prefer giving financial incentives .

One example is that government can come up with schemes/  policies to encourage people to open new small scale businesses , where it generates employment for people . This will lead to wealth creation for the business owner , jobs and income for all the employees and overall wealth creation for society which automatically means value creation for society. 

According to me job creation is the best parameter for wealth creation for individual as well as society and that is called real value creation for society. Because if enough jobs are created / available in society so that people of working age are gainfully employed it will lead to so many positive after effects for the society as a whole.

New Statesman | How inequality is costing the economy billions

New Statesman | How inequality is costing the economy billions

According to me job creation is the best parameter for wealth creation for individual as well as society and that is called real value creation for society. Because if enough jobs are created / available in society so that people of working age are gainfully employed it will lead to so many positive after effects for the society as a whole.

How Big is the Universe? | Space.com

How Big is the Universe? | Space.com

Big Bang's Smoking Gun Found : Discovery News

Big Bang's Smoking Gun Found : Discovery News

Fight against Narendra Modi from Varanasi is not symbolic, says Arvind Kejriwal | NDTV.com

Fight against Narendra Modi from Varanasi is not symbolic, says Arvind Kejriwal | NDTV.com

"Cosmos- A Spacetime Odyssey" --A Follow-Up Look at the Origin of Life and Mass Extinctions

"Cosmos- A Spacetime Odyssey" --A Follow-Up Look at the Origin of Life and Mass Extinctions

Great stuff - must read

I spent a week using only mobile internet, and so should you – Quartz

I spent a week using only mobile internet, and so should you – Quartz

Future has to be Internet on Mobile , it is just a matter of time.We will have the proper operating system as well as networking speed along with hardware speed.

Big Bang breakthrough announced; gravity waves detected - CNN.com

Big Bang breakthrough announced; gravity waves detected - CNN.com

Science / Engineering /Technology are the real God's for us as they are systematically  trying to solve all the  issues for the betterment of Humankind .

Global Freedom Network, Interfaith Anti-Slavery Campaign, Launches At The Vatican

Global Freedom Network, Interfaith Anti-Slavery Campaign, Launches At The Vatican

Global Freedom Network, Interfaith Anti-Slavery Campaign, Launches At The Vatican

Global Freedom Network, Interfaith Anti-Slavery Campaign, Launches At The Vatican

Top religious leaders vow to end slavery in India - The Times of India

Top religious leaders vow to end slavery in India - The Times of India