Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The intergalactic medium unveiled

The intergalactic medium unveiled

Can you Imagine it :

96 % Dark energy and Dark Matter in the universe

3%    Inter Galactic Medium  IGM in the universe

1%   All stars and Galaxies  in the universe

We are a tiny bit of this 1%

Martin describes the diffuse gas of the IGM as "dim matter," to distinguish it from the bright matter of stars and galaxies, and the dark matter and energy that compose most of the universe. Though you might not think so on a bright sunny day or even a starlit night, fully 96% of the mass and energy in the universe is dark energy and dark matter (first inferred by Caltech's Fritz Zwicky in the 1930s), whose existence we know of only due to its effects on the remaining 4% that we can see: normal matter. Of this 4% that is normal matter, only one-quarter is made up of stars and galaxies, the bright objects that light our night sky. The remainder, which amounts to only about 3% of everything in the universe, is the IGM.

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