Sunday, February 23, 2014

FCC "Study" vs. the First Amendment | Capitalism MagazineCapitalism Magazine

FCC "Study" vs. the First Amendment | Capitalism MagazineCapitalism Magazine

Among the three media that is :

1. Social media (Facebook, Twitter,LinkedIn,Google etc)

2.Print Media (All Printed News)

3.Television Media (All Telecast News)

It is the social media , where ordinary people can participate freely , as there are no entry barriers.

While Print and Television media are commercial enterprises controlled by Business houses.Literally you can say that Print /Television media is more or less paid news because ordinary people can not participate in them. To get correct gauge of society views on any issue , any day is social media and not print/telecast media.

It is matter of time before social media occupies main/prime  spot on all matters related to News.

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