Saturday, June 7, 2014

Pope to Muslims: People Have 'Freedom to Choose Religion One Judges to be True' | CNS News

Pope to Muslims: People Have 'Freedom to Choose Religion One Judges to be True' | CNS News

During his first official visit to the Middle East, Pope Francis repeatedly told Muslim audiences that religious freedom is “a fundamental human right” and that governments must allow people to choose their own faith. “Religious freedom is in fact a fundamental human right and I cannot fail to express my hope that it will be upheld throughout the Middle East and the entire world,”

Friday, June 6, 2014

No Correlation Between Interviewing and On-The-Job Performance | LinkedIn

No Correlation Between Interviewing and On-The-Job Performance | LinkedIn

Brilliant article hits the nail on the head.

Select a candidate who can do the job and not who can get the job .

There is a big difference.

We have a tagline in our executive search practice: “Put The Candidate In the Job Before You Hire Them.” The best test is to actually put them in the job and let them do it for a period of time as a test. Unfortunately, when trying to hire those already employed elsewhere, this becomes impossible. The next best hiring strategy is to design the interview to be more reflective of real work, rather than the traditional and tribal 20 standard, stupid, canned, and inane interview questions most hiring managers ask.

Graphics related possible paths to Radical Life Extension

Graphics related possible paths to Radical Life Extension

Must read article , if you want to extend your life.